Wednesday, June 11, 2008

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ok so basically i have nothing to say :P hence the title of this blog..but im bored and have nothing to do and wanna postpone going to study lik for a while longer so i tot id just blab on abt nothing on my blog :P ok so life is good yet boring...but its gr8 bcoz like how can life not be great when u have God's fact even if im havin a bad day n ppl ask me how i am my response is always gr8 as u may or may not have realised...but that doesnt mean i never have bad days taa its just coz i rem that even tho im having a bad day i still got God's love and Him so like ekk anyway u get the point :P well a lot of my friends have summer now and like so do i very soon and i cant waitt like i have a rly gud feeling abt this summer and i dunno why...hmm i wanna learn how to play guitar this summer...and now thanks to the lovely sara ive got sites to learn from hehe thanku sara :P hmm ok what else oh yes in like a few weeks there is the Y4J bbq ahh cnt wait..and also cant believe that a yr passed from last yr well that doesnt make sense does it but once again im sure u know wat i mean....ok soo...i gta study maths today o the joy but oh well... ok im bored and im probably boring u but i shal go on and so shall u carry on reading plz thanku :) see im polite :P ooo this sunday is michs bday and history shall take place this sat.... mich (and hopefuly i will too) are being let out after Y4J on sat hehe so maybe for once when like 10 ppl ask me if im goin out i can say yes now :P yey and this lovely surprise is for michs bday coz she will be 15 on the 15 june...i.e her lucky bday yey i still dunno if im allowed out tho lol issa naraw ok anywayz oh shit i just rem i gta finish comp studies project by tom thank God i rem!!! ok i shall leave u know to do it

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